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13 Best Business Ideas for Leo

Written by:

Natalie is a business writer with experience in operations, HR, and training & development within the software, healthcare, and financial services sectors.

Edited by:

David has been writing and learning about business, finance and globalization for a quarter-century, starting with a small New York consulting firm in the 1990s.

13 Best Business Ideas for Leo

People born from July 23 to August 22 are under the zodiac sign Leo. As this sign is ruled by the sun, Leo people are vivacious, full of life, entertaining, and self-confident. 

They are comfortable being the center of attention, although they might come across as overbearing to some people. Among the famous Leo business owners were Henry Ford and Coco Chanel. 

If you’re a Leo, you might find fulfillment in advertising, event planning, and music. You might also like to consider starting a calligraphy or graphics design business. Learn more about these and other business ideas below.

1. Carpentry

How to start a carpentry business

Leos are known for their creativity and leadership, making carpentry an ideal business. They can lead projects and bring unique designs to life. To start, invest in quality tools and a workshop space. Networking with suppliers for materials and marketing your services locally can attract your first clients. Focus on custom projects to showcase your skills and creativity.

2. Graphic Design

How to start a graphic design business

Graphic design suits Leos’ artistic nature and their desire to be in the spotlight. Start by mastering design software and building a compelling portfolio. Use social media to showcase your work and attract clients. Offering services like logo design, branding, and digital marketing materials can cater to diverse clients. Remember, client satisfaction can lead to referrals, expanding your business.

3. Woodworking

How to start a woodworking business

Woodworking allows Leos to express their passion and craftsmanship. Begin by selecting a niche, such as furniture or decorative items, and understand the tools and techniques needed. Market your unique pieces online and at local craft fairs. Building relationships with home decor shops could also offer avenues for product placement and sales.

4. Calligraphy

How to start a calligraphy business

Calligraphy aligns with Leo’s love for art and detail. Start by practicing different styles and purchasing high-quality pens and paper. Offer your services for wedding invitations, event place cards, and framed art. Creating a website or an Instagram page can help showcase your work and attract clients who appreciate fine details.

5. Hair Salon

How to start a hair salon

Running a hair salon fits Leo’s social and trend-setting traits. Secure a good location, invest in modern salon equipment, and create a welcoming atmosphere. Hiring skilled staff and offering a variety of services can cater to diverse customer needs. Regular training on the latest hair trends will keep your business competitive and appealing.

6. Spa Center

How to start a spa business

Leos thrive in environments where they can make people feel good, making a spa center a great fit. Focus on a relaxing ambiance and quality spa treatments. Training for yourself and your staff is crucial to offer a variety of services, such as massages and facials. Effective marketing and exceptional customer service can set your spa apart.

7. Web Design

How to start a web design business

Leos’ flair for the dramatic and attention to detail makes web design an excellent venture. Learning coding languages and design principles is essential. Start by offering your services to small businesses and gradually expand to larger companies as your portfolio grows. Staying updated with the latest web technologies and design trends will keep your services in demand.

8. Supplements Store

How to start a supplement business

Opening a supplements store allows Leos to lead in the wellness industry. Knowledge about health and nutrition is crucial, so consider a certification or courses. Location is key; choose an area frequented by health-conscious consumers. Online sales can also supplement your physical store. Keeping a well-stocked and diverse inventory will attract a broad customer base.

9. Advertising Firm

How to start a advertising agency

An advertising firm is perfect for charismatic Leos who excel in persuasive communication. Strong networking skills and understanding of market trends are vital. Start by offering services like social media management and ad campaigns to local businesses. Building a team of creative and strategic thinkers can help scale your operations.

10. Event Planning

How to start an event planning business

Event planning suits Leo’s organizational skills and love for the spotlight. Starting small, like planning local events or parties, can build your reputation. Focus on creating memorable experiences and expand through word of mouth and social media marketing. Staying organized and having a keen eye for details are key traits for success.

11. Music Production

How to start a music production company

Music production allows Leos to channel their creativity and leadership. Investing in good quality sound equipment and software is the first step. Networking with local artists and offering to produce their music can help build your portfolio. Keep up with music trends and new technologies to keep your productions fresh and relevant.

12. Internet Service Provider

internet service provider business idea

Starting as an Internet service provider fits Leo’s ambitious nature. This requires a significant initial investment in infrastructure and technology. Understanding the regulatory environment is also important. Focus on providing reliable and fast service to stand out in this competitive market.

13. Nutrition Consultation

How to start a nutrition business

Nutrition consultation caters to Leo’s passion for helping others and leading a healthy lifestyle. Certification in nutrition is essential. Start by offering consultations online and expand to in-person sessions as your client base grows. Tailoring your services to specific dietary needs and health goals can differentiate your business in the market.


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13 Best Business Ideas for Leo